
Why private yoga?
In-home (or virtual) yoga is the perfect way to bring customized wellness and relaxation to your busy schedule. From slow and meditative to strengthening and challenging, we work together in real-time to create a practice to compliment where you are each day.
Private Yoga Minneapolis specializes in personalized, private or semi-private yoga sessions that take place in your Minneapolis home or office at the times that work best for you. Now offering the same services worldwide over Zoom!
Each session aims to help maintain or restore your physical and spiritual health by blending breathwork and intention with gentle, Hatha, vinyasa, and restorative yoga techniques.
Private Yoga Minneapolis was formed in 2019 when Mikky Daub (RYT® 200) saw a need for quality in-home yoga in Minneapolis and the Greater Twin Cities area.
Take charge
of your mobility,
peace of mind,
balance, and strength!

Meet Mikky Daub
RYT® 500
Breathe Easy, Unwind, Flow
Mikky loves bringing movement, relaxation, and flow into your home. Whether you're a complete beginner or seasoned pro, she's able to adjust to the level you need and want.
Mikky's sincerest hope is that each session leaves you feeling how you want to feel, whether it's calm, balanced, strong, focused, clear, or supported -- so you can show up in the world and for the people you love.
All are welcome to get in touch no matter your size, shape, age, orientation, mobility level, race, color, or religion.
Let’s Connect
Schedule a phone consultation or send a message and I will be in touch soon.
I look forward to hearing from you! -- Mikky
Private Yoga Minneapolis travels to homes and offices in:
Lake of the Isles
Linden Hills
Loring Park
North Loop
South Minneapolis
Southwest Minneapolis
Highland Park
Prospect Park
West Seventh
Outside of this area? Get in touch anyway!
When available, we can offer an add-on driving fee and/or recommend another professional in your area.
Do you teach private yoga in the Twin Cities area?
Click the button below to apply to be part of the:
"The greatest wealth is health"

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to have for our first session? What should I wear?
It is recommended that you have your own yoga mat, two yoga blocks, and a blanket (any blanket, or fluffy towel will do). If you do not have these items, I can bring them. All options can be ordered on Amazon or found at Target, TJ Max etc.. Wear clothing that allows you to feel comfortable and unrestricted -- something you would wear to the gym.
How much space do we need? And does my house have to be clean?
We will need enough space for your yoga mat and a bit of space to walk around. Somewhere indoors, without distraction works best. Normally your livingroom will be the best option for in-home yoga. Don't stress strict cleanliness too much, as long as there is space to move around free of debris, your home is perfectly fine as it is. If you have any questions, Mikky can help determine what will work best.
What if I have never done yoga before?
No problem! We love working with complete beginners and can offer sessions for any level of mobility.
Do you do one-off sessions or are there package options?
Most people buy packages which are the most beneficial and cost-effective option as you begin private yoga practice. One-off sessions are available on a case by case basis upon request.
What are your rates?
Private in-home yoga rates are comparable to bodywork, or psychotherapy rates. You will receive a quote on our 15-minute introductory phone call. Each private yoga session is tailored to you, part of the price takes into consideration drive time, research, and other preparations to make your sessions as enjoyable as possible.
Which payment methods do you accept?
Cash, check, credit card (credit card fees apply), PayPal, Square, ACH, Apple Pay, or Venmo.
If I'm outside of the area you mentioned can I still reach out?
Yes! Please reach out anyway. When available, we sometimes can offer an add-on driving fee or recommend another professional in your area.
I'm injured or have health conditions, is yoga for me?
Private yoga is not a substitute for medical advice but it can be an excellent addition to your recovery plan. Please seek advice from a medical professional or physical therapist before starting yoga if injuries are suspected or present.
What are hands-on assists?
Hands-on assists can help ease you into alignment, provide proprioception (physical feedback), or are just meant to be enjoyed! Some people love hands-on assists, some people prefer not to be touched. Both options are completely normal and will be discussed in advance so that you feel as comfortable as possible for the entirety of every session.